From 26 March to 2 April 2018,
the participants will be undertaking a 160 km expedition riding on dog sleds
through the boreal forest of Quebec –

Hub One, provider of information and communication technology services in professional environments, has organised the Hub Challenge, its in-house team-building programme. For the 13th edition, « Hub One’s Mushers into the wild » is the chosen project. Embarking on this truly unifying human adventure encapsulating the Group’s values of commitment, proximity and boldness, the participants in the challenge will this year be undertaking a 160 km expedition on dog sleds through the boreal forest of Quebec.

On 26 March, 14 Hub One employees will fly out to Canada for this unique experience combining wide-open spaces, nature and authenticity. For 7 days, the team members will be following in the tracks of the famous explorer, Nicolas Vanier, who is supporting this project and whom they had the opportunity to meet before departure.
The employees will discover the snowbound landscapes of Quebec in the course of a 160 km expedition on dog sleds. Each participant will be able to experience what it’s like to be a musher (dog driver), each at the head of a team of 4 dogs which they will need to take care of for the entire duration of the expedition.

This week of total immersion will feature 5 to 6 hours of daily trekking through snowbound forests and over frozen rivers, preparing a bivouac, coupling and uncoupling the sled teams and, of course, taking care of the dogs. In this way, this challenge will allow the participants to get closer to nature and establish a special relationship with the dogs. Throughout the adventure, they will be supervised by two professional mushers to ensure that every stage takes place under optimum safety conditions.

« We wanted to propose a challenge that was accessible to everyone, that was the stuff of dreams, and that encouraged people to surpass themselves. Exchange, sharing, discovery: these are all values that we were keen to promote in the course of this unique experience, » declare Alexandre Coupé and Patrick Aubert, the project’s promoters at Hub One.

« The Hub Challenge once again generated a great deal of enthusiasm this year with our employees. It is a groundbreaking event that brings employees together, around a sporting, cultural or charitable project, encouraging people to excel. Our employees are always keen to take on challenges and embark on projects that reinforce team bonding, while experiencing a powerful and unique adventure. The Hub One « Mushers into the Wild » challenge proudly proclaims the values of Hub One, and underscores the Group’s desire to give centre stage to its employees and encourage unique initiatives, » says Patricia Lorreyte, HR and CSR Director at Hub One.

Press release in PDF format:  Hub Challenge

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