The SD-WAN technology: the next evolution of telecommunication

29 août 2017

The SD-WAN technology (software-defined wide-area-network) is presented as being the next major evolution of the telecommunication industry. According to the research firm IDC, the turnover generated by the SD-WAN will exceed US $6 billion worldwide in 2020. Furthermore, promises are attractive: rapid deployment, cost reduction, service improvement, etc.

The SD-Wan technology is following the SDN (Software Defined Networking) trend. Thanks to SDN, network features can be centrally managed within an application. The system is based on a central controller in which rooting rules are implemented and transferred automatically to on-site equipment.

This technology is attractive for companies that manage complex networks (with several sites to interconnect) and based on MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching) links. Today, the utilization of these MPLS infrastructures is not optimized according to usages. Thus, a MPLS link will be equally used for critical usages (like CRM Cloud access) and less important usages (like surfing the web).

The SD-WAN technology has several advantages:

  • The first is the ability to create a virtual network independent from infrastructures. It is possible to create a network that benefits from quality and performance of MPLS links and from Internet links prices.
  • The second advantage is the ability to root business flows according to criterion. For example, it is possible to configure critical usages of a company, like the ERP or CRM Cloud usages, on efficient and qualitative infrastructures. On the opposite, it is possible to root less critical flows, like surfing on the web, on less efficient infrastructures.
  • Last but not least is the ability to react instantly and automatically to services deterioration by automatically re-rooting flows on links available and adapted to usage.

In the future, all of those elements will reduce the usage of MPLS links that are more expensive compared to Internet links. Thus, the SD-WAN technology enables infrastructure cost optimization while keeping the service quality.


To conclude, SD-WAN is an evolution in the telecommunications world that will not only drive better quality of service, but also reduction of infrastructure costs.

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Chef de Produits Réseaux

Pierre GIRBON est Chef de Produits Réseaux chez Hub One. Depuis plus de 10 ans, il prend la voile pour naviguer sur les mers et océans. Il a déjà entrepris une traversée de la manche et fait régulièrement des croisières en Bretagne et sur la méditerranée. Une passion qui lui a permis au fil des années d’apprendre à collaborer avec des personnes très différentes, à être tolérant et à tempérer les ardeurs. Et dans le désir de vouloir aider son prochain, il œuvre également pour les restos du cœur où il distribue régulièrement des repas depuis 3 ans. Son gadget technologique préféré : c’est le digital. Il lit sur sa tablette, regarde des films sur netfilx, écoute sa musique sur deezer, s’informe sur le web…

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