<![CDATA[Hub One, digital technologies operator for businesses, has just received WiredScore AP certification, a label assessing the connection quality of buildings and delivered by the WiredScore group, the world specialist in the connectivity of office buildings. This accreditation adds weight to the expertise of Hub One in matters of buildings’ connectivity and its desire to support companies in the deployment of optimum Internet and mobile coverage.
80% of the mobile calls made by an organisation’s employees happen in their place of work, and inside buildings. Since the use of their smartphones has become indispensable, they need to be able to communicate any time and any place. Therefore, ensuring high-performance mobile indoor connectivity is a major challenge for businesses.
Hub One possesses recognised expertise in the telecommunications sector and unique know-how in the deployment of mobile indoor infrastructures in environments subject to technical and architectural constraints, such as airports and high-rise buildings.
Thanks to the WiredScore AP label, Hub One is today capable of identifying and optimising the connectivity of existing buildings, as well as ensuring that this connectivity is taken into account in the design phase of new buildings.
In the words of Frédéric Motta, CEO, WiredScore France: « Connectivity is a core concern of building managers, and it represents a decisive factor in employee productivity. Together, WiredScore and Hub One intend to facilitate access to optimum Internet and mobile coverage for businesses. »
Jérémie Blanchemain, telecom radio division product manager at Hub One, declares, for his part: « We are delighted to be joining the WiredScore ecosystem and to make an even greater contribution to the development of the connected building. With this WiredScore certification, we wish to support companies in the deployment of efficient mobile and Internet coverage meeting the needs of staff. »

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