Hub One, provider of information and communication technology services in professional environments, announces the appointment of Florian Gasnier as Chief Information Officer (CIO). In this post, his missions will involve guaranteeing the operation and security of the information systems, and coordinating the technological developments in line with Group strategy. He will also be involved in developing new products aimed at Hub One clients.
Florian Gasnier began his career in 2005 and has worked in several IT consulting companies. He started out at Adeon as a technical-functional consultant before going on to manage a team. He then joined Capgemini in 2007 where he would successively occupy the posts of Functional Consultant and IT Project Manager.
In 2011, he joined Hub One as Manager of the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) hub, in charge of managing the CRM team of the Information Systems Department. Florian Gasnier would pursue his career in the Group as Information Systems Manager, where he would continue to coordinate the CRM activity and manage the IT aspects following the acquisition of Nomadvance, which became Hub One Mobility. He would also manage infrastructure and office application projects. Subsequently, his responsibilities were extended to taking responsibility for projects on ERP overhaul, mobile applications and collaborative tools.
Aged 35, Florian Gasnier is a engineering graduate from Télécom SudParis, an engineering school specialised in information and communication technologies.]]>

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