– An innovation in terms of the traceability of business processes and geolocation –

Hub One, provider of information and communication technology services in professional environments, and SNCF are pooling their know-how to expedite the digital transformation of the French railway company’s industrial technicentres. Hub One and SNCF have developed an innovative geolocation and traceability solution based on the IoT system from Editag, manufacturer of Industrial IoT systems. The solution was tested in the Hellemmes Technicentre near Lille (Nord department), a key site for the maintenance and overhaul of the TGV fleet.  Objective: optimising SNCF’s industrial processes.

In late 2014, SNCF launched a « Factory of the Future » programme, aimed at digitalising its 10 industrial technicentres responsible for the overhauling of rolling stock and spare parts repair. SNCF sought in particular a partner capable of supporting it in its project for tracking and coordinating internal data flows, hence the choice to team up with Hub One, the Group already having put in place a geolocation solution for the traceability and supervision of all the links in the supply chain. This innovation emerged as the winning entry from the Hub One in-house « innovation challenge ».
Hub One, Editag and SNCF have therefore jointly put in place a tracking and geolocation solution for axles based on IoT and implemented on a test basis. The axles constitute a key component in the smooth operation of railways, and so it is imperative for SNCF to enable technicentre operators to locate them easily, for the purposes of overhaul. The solution allows the axles to be detected and located within the processing chain (storage, uncoupling, cleaning, etc.), while facilitating better synchronisation of the actions, better coordination of the activity and time savings across the entire maintenance chain.
The solution was developed by Hub One in coordination with its partner, Editag, manufacturer of Industrial IoT systems. Editag provides its mOOnTAG® IoT system (geolocation of axles and sensors, information feedback database for control). Hub One handles the transmission of information via its IoT infrastructure, based on LoraWan, and on the client display interface. This results in operators in the centre being able to easily monitor in real time the movements of the axles and take action, if necessary, in the course of the overhaul cycle.

« From the conception of the project, the teams of SNCF, Editag and Hub One have worked together on the creation of this co-innovation. Our staff has invested a great deal of effort in meeting fully the needs of SNCF. Our know-how and our understanding of the issues have therefore made it possible for the operators to benefit from a cutting-edge tracking tool, vital for optimising their location system, » says Jérémie Pappo, Innovation Manager at Hub One.
« The digital transformation of our technicentres is a priority for SNCF. It was important to work with a partner who shares our values and our desire to innovate. With Hub One, we have developed a bespoke solution for ensuring rigorous tracking of our equipment throughout the various stages of overhaul, and enabling our employees to increase their productivity, » says Benjamin Godreuil, SNCF Factory of the Future Programme – Equipment Management, Industrial Department.

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